Friday, November 18, 2016

Post 7

Sexuality is different to your gender, society has a narrowminded approach when it comes to gender people are put into two boxes and people who do not conform to these norms are seen as stranger or weird. People start using how these people identify themselves as a means to attack them as they are not in the two boxes that society lays out for them.

However, these two boxes are not the only social construct that is a serious issue in our society. Masculinity and femininity are also social constructs. Masculinity severely affect men as they have this standard that they are supposed to live up to in soceity. Things such as you are not allowed to show emotion, if you have a problem you are supposed to solve it through the use of violence. This culture of masculinity has something largely to do with the media and how they portray men because when a man commits a crime media reports on it by using excuses such as "boys will be boys" as if it is our natural instinct to immediately resort to violence for all our issues. Yet through the tough guise film we watched in class it became apparent that all men that commit major crimes such as mass shootings are victims of bullying from there inability to conform to the norms that society lays out on how to be a man and how to masculinity. Men that can not live up to this idea lash out violently to prove that they aren't weak in a last ditch effort to prove themselves that they can live up to this culture.

Agents of socialisation have a major role to play in these ideas as they lay out how we should act to fit into society yet because of this they set strict guidelines which are impossible for all people to follow. The social construct of masculinity and femininity are both negative ones as they cause people to try and be people who they are not.

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